Haunted Houses, Dead Tenants and a Big Tummy Ache


World renown psychic and author Jane Doherty has found herself in a very prominent position on her new reality TV show called "Dead Tenants", which is hosted by The Learning Channel. I say it's a prominent position because of the phenomena that separates Jane's psychic abilities from those of other psychics.

Whenever there are ghosts around Jane, she has an amazing physical reaction to them and handling it is no small feat either. The reaction Jane has is that her stomach area actually enlarges by as much as six inches around within seconds. And, Jane tells us that it's extremely painful to her when this happens. If you watch Jane while this stomach expansion is happening, you're going to hear her moaning and see her wincing … and trust me, it's not dramatics … the woman's in definite pain.

With regards to her expanding tummy, Jane says, "It feels like a contraction when a woman is in labor, but it doesn't ever release me until the spirit leaves. Instead, the stomach expands as if I was nine months pregnant." Jane actually describes it as very intense muscle cramps, where her stomach is physically gripped by the ghost, and if you watch, the belly will actually lift up. Jane continues, "Often I can tell by the grip whether it is a female, male or child spirit. It first happened to me in 1990, when I investigated my first haunted house with a researcher."

The belly area is associated with the third charka located at the solar plexus, which is the area that dominates the gifts of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience and an awareness of astral entities. It's interesting that historically the belly area is associated with body's core of energy sometimes called the "Chi Point" or the "Hara", both of which translate literally to mean belly. It's also interesting that historically, psychics felt their gift came from their gut … called "reading with the pit of the stomach" … where today, most psychics describe their gift coming from their third eye charka, between the eyes and centered in the middle of the forehead. With Jane Doherty, it seems to make good sense that the physical phenomena of Jane Doherty's expanded stomach would be directly related to her psychic gift.

Jane's devout belief in the power of God comes through in all that she does because she feels strongly that her psychic abilities are a God-given talent. Using her psychic abilities allows Jane to bring comfort to people whose hearts are hurting, and hope to those who need it most. And, that's her personal goal on Dead Tenants whose families are in desperate need of help and knowledge to deal with their home's ghosts.

The Dead Tenants TV show follows the journeys of the Preternatural Research Society (PRS) - a team of paranormal investigators - through the attics, basements, living rooms and back yards of some of the most haunted houses in the country. Coming to the aid of families experiencing very unwanted ghosts and unexplainable activity in their homes, Jane Doherty and the PRS team do their best to assist the families. The Dead Tenants show weaves the historical, scientific and psychic into a rich tapestry to help the viewer better understand the hauntings.

"There was never a question of how I would use my gift," Jane says firmly. "I have taken every possible opportunity to help others." Jane Doherty is the real deal, on TV and in print. Her words are like the words of her book - so compelling, you won't be able to put it down.

Jane Doherty's book, Awakening the Mystic Gift: The Surprising Truth About What It Means to Be Psychic, chronicles Jane's own psychic awakening and what it truly means to be psychic. For those seeking more information on what it means to be psychic, this book is a very compelling read.

Jane Doherty is a gifted psychic and medium of international acclaim. Many refer to her as the "real deal" because of her accuracy and sincere caring nature. In fact, Hans Holzer, known best for his many books on ghosts and paranormal activities, has named Jane Doherty as "one of the top twenty psychics in the world." A born teacher, Jane feels part of her own purpose in life is to teach others to open to their own psychic abilities, and for this reason Jane has brought her psychic teachings to an online format through the website. Here Jane has established a book club for her readers to explore more about their own psychic abilities with her personally, and Jane will also teach her multi-leveled Psychic Development courses at the website.


How To Protect Your Papers With Film Laminating


Certainly, the concept behind film lamination is easily understood. It simply boils down to taking the extra steps that are necessary to preserve documents in order to increase their life expectancy as the years roll on by applying a thin, clear plastic covering. While many establishments exist that offer professional laminating services, there are those who prefer to buy the necessary tools that will allow them to apply this protective coating themselves, in order to save on the costs of contracting a professional laminator. In order to take on such a task, however, it's best to arm yourself with a few of the "tricks of the trade" that will ensure a smoother, easier process and a more attractive result.

The "Dos" of Film Laminating

1. If you're planning to do cold laminating , then it's important to remember that the curing time is about 24 hours. If the prints aren't allowed to sit flat for the proper amount of time before mounting, then you won't achieve maximum adhesion, and the result will be less-than-perfect prints.

2. If, on the other hand, the plan is to use thermal lamination, then be sure to leave a menu edge for prints with a heavy ink coverage.

3. Be sure to allow adequate time for the printed documents to dry before applying the lamination. No less than four hours should be given to this part of the process, in order to ensure optimum results.

4. Do your best to control the level of humidity in the area where the prints are being processed. If that's not possible, then take the time to use a hair dryer in order to remove any lingering moisture.

5. Although you may choose to apply a cold laminant, it's best to use some heat during the process. By ensuring that the top roller remains at 120 degrees Fahrenheit, the lamination will enjoy greater adhesion.

6. After practicing for a bit on some extra prints, make it a habit to rub down the printed documents with isopropyl alcohol before the lamination process begins. This can be accomplished by pouring a bit of the alcohol onto a soft cloth and gently wiping the print, re-wetting the cloth when necessary.

7. In order to acquire a higher level of quality for your finished prints, use low-melt laminating film and increase the temperature to about 210 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, you can either double or triple the speed, depending upon what provides a better result for the particular print and laminator that's being used.

A Few Laminating "Don'ts"

1. Don't make the mistake of using excessive heat or running the laminator at too slow a rate, or delamination will be the result.

2. Laminators should never be left idle when the temperature is on, or they'll develop hot spots which will cause bubbling in hotter areas and silvering in those that are cold.

3. Just because the ink doesn't feel wet doesn't mean that the print hasn't become overly moistened by too much humidity. Under those conditions, the print will actually absorb moisture, which should be eliminated before laminating.

4. Prints and laminating supplies ( ) should never go outdoors without having the extra protection of menu edging or edges that have been sealed with outdoor waterproof tape.

For those who are new to the print lamination process, the necessary supplies can be obtained through print retailers, and are also for sale through internet searches. The particular tools that may be necessary for such an enterprise include a lamination machine, cartridge, hot and cold adhesives and other miscellaneous items.

Understand that, for the novice, film laminating can sometimes be frustrating – and expensive – until the techniques are perfected and the desired results are achieved. In the meantime, exercise patience and realize that much of the process can call for a bit of experimentation as you go along.




When I was a nineteen-year-old high school student and budding poet – two years after my diving accident – many factors adversely affected my creativity. My trips in a special bus to school and back home, my courses, and my assignments, though I was spared a lot of writing and was mostly tested orally, all this was time-consuming. More often than not, my obligation to study took priority over my desire to compose poetry.

To tell the truth, I had plenty of free time. That I spent much of it uncreatively showed evidence of frivolousness, laziness, and cowardliness. I usually preferred to take my mind off things, or to daydream, rather than to express myself through poems. The satisfaction I could derive from achieving this expression seldom induced me to try. The deterring elements were the difficulty of trying and the uncertainty surrounding the outcome of my efforts.

A poem – assuming one is concerned about writing beautifully – is indeed no cinch. It requires a poet who is talented, skilled, and determined. My poetic ability was fickle; my grammar and style were faulty; my will was faint. I lacked the courage of my creative desire. This lack was not absolute. Now and then, when I felt compellingly inspired, I resisted my temptation to trifle – which amounted to taking the easy way out – and endeavored to compose a poem. I had to repeat this endeavor, over and over, to grow more capable and confident, less discouraged by the challenge at hand.

I am afraid young individuals similar to the young man I was then are not a rarity. The prospect of success turns them on; effort and the risk of failure turn them off. The contradiction is apparent, and the result predictable: Since effort and the risk of failure are essential for success, the avoidance of them precludes this success. Of course everyone knows this. The trouble is that many refuse largely to accept it. This is proof that knowledge is powerless in itself; it needs a strong will to be effective.

Young individuals, who know the rules of success, can be failures inasmuch as they fail to accept these rules. Wisdom includes this acceptance (the exclusion of which is thus foolish). It must be distinguished from knowledge. Wise people are also brave people who put their knowledge into practice and become successful for that reason. The obvious holds good in every way: Life without courage is like a bird without wings; it cannot take off.

Why is it hard to want both the end and the means? Precisely because the means are hard, not to mention the fact that they are hazardous, you might answer. If you are right, then why do some actually thrive on this hardness and hazardousness? The key to this mystery is their attitude: They regard these opposing elements not only as obstacles but also as opportunities for merit and excitement. Just as they were young once, spoon-fed and sheltered from the evils of the world, they eventually outgrew their attachment to easiness and developed a taste for challenge. In conclusion, what characterizes them is their maturity, by contrast with the infantilism of others.

Between these two extremes there is a mediocre compromise, partly mature, partly infantile. It consists in taking charge of one's life while taking the easy way out. Small principles, small realizations, far below one's potential for greatness, they are poor excuses for wisdom and success. Potential, that is the operative word. There can be greatness in apparent smallness and smallness in apparent greatness; the truth resides in the great or small actualization of one's potential, whatever it is.

How does one discover what it is? By making the effort to actualize it in the ever-renewed and multifaceted act of living. This entails that one push oneself hard, at the risk of going too far. Measure is an empty abstraction for anyone who has never exceeded it. Limits should be experienced, not invented. This experience demands a serious and courageous commitment to greatness. Steer clear of frivolousness, laziness, and cowardliness; do not fall prey to them as I did so many times. They are strong temptations that can assume the form of a cunning philosophy that is unique to losers. Beware of this snare. Life is a demanding character test; come death, you will have ample time to rest!

Nostalgic for the old days at the rehabilitation facility when I wrote anyhow about anything, I once conveniently believed in spontaneous writing as a guarantee of genuineness. Fortunately I was foolish yet not a complete fool. After some denial, which involved some nonsense in justification of my foolishness, I admitted sullenly that my sacrosanct pursuit of genuineness was in fact a vile indulgence in idiocy. There is nothing spontaneous about the intelligent conception and intelligible expression of one's true self, which is everything but simple. It is a tissue of desires, feelings, ideas, and memories, caught in a whirl of interactions between the mind and the world. Either one goes to great lengths to elucidate and formulate the truth about oneself, and one hits the bull's-eye, or one talks bullshit – please forgive my language.

Some people shine at off-the-cuff speeches, as though they were so brilliant they could avoid saying idiocies when forced to be spontaneous. Make no mistake; their brilliance is merely one side of the equation. They have spent years polishing their manner of thinking and speaking, while their knowledge waxed through learning. Their spontaneity is studied. It is a product of numerous rehearsals, like the performance of an actor. Nothing great ever comes easily to anyone, including those who are the most gifted among us. Superior luck is not human greatness, only a steppingstone toward it. The stone is given; the stepping is done by the sweat of one's brow and is made of a million steps, uphill. To work one's way up to greatness is comparable to conquering Mount Everest, the highest peak of the Himalayas. It is an outstanding achievement with a sense of pride to match.


Lance Armstrong Bracelets: Fashion Accessories for a Worthy Cause


Lance Armstrong bracelets, the yellow rubber wrist bands inscribed with the motto LiveStrong, are tangible parts of champion American cyclist Lance Armstrong's legacy. Diagnosed with testicular cancer on October 2, 1996, Armstrong battled with the disease and didn't let it get in the way of his will to wear the yellow jersey once again to compete in the Tour de France cycling tournament. In partnership with sports apparel firm Nike, he started selling his Lance Armstrong bracelets for a dollar apiece, with the profits going to the Lance Armstrong Foundation to fund cancer research.

It is not so surprising to find that the Lance Armstrong bracelets have become a cultural phenomenon. Aside from being very affordable, people feel they are contributing to a worthy cause by buying and wearing the yellow bracelets. Add this to the fact that the wrist band is not difficult to wear as a fashion accessory. It goes along well with almost any attire: from your regular jeans-and-shirt attire to preppy to sports outfits. School children and teenagers think it is hip to be seen wearing one, and it doesn't make a huge dent in their allowance to buy it. Professional athletes have been seen wearing them at sports events. Even corporate executives in power suits have taken to wearing these Lance Armstrong bracelets.

Made from rubber, it is similar to other cause-related bracelets that have emerged over the past years, such as those for breast cancer and diabetes. Many Americans collect these wrist bands, including the Lance Armstrong bracelets, because aside from being fashion-friendly and easy to wear, they have philanthropic and social significance.

Why yellow? This color is especially significant to Lance Armstrong. Aside from imparting feelings of warmth and optimism, yellow is the color of the jersey that the leading Tour de France cyclist is given to wear, and which he has worn to victory numerous times. The yellow Lance Armstrong bracelets are his standard bearers in his fight against cancer, and they bear witness to the things that have given his life new meaning.

Since ancient times, women and men have worn one form of jewelry or another as a way of expressing some sentiment, feeling or as a symbol. The Lance Armstrong 'Live Strong' bracelet is a modern version of an age old tradition; jewelry as a symbol of hope, courage and support of a worthy cause.


Clever Mayor Roy Nagen: Has Runoff Election With White Guy Who Looks Just Like Roy Himself


We wouldn't even hazard a guess at the odds against such a outcome, but the runoff election in New Orleans looks about as bizarre as anything you're likely to see even in the Mardi Gras.

Roy Nagen, the Mr. Malaprop of mayoral politics, who alienated white voters when he voiced the proud hope of making the city, in the wake of Katrina, "chocolate again," has gotten himself caught up in a runoff election with a white guy, Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu, who, at least to us, looks just like a paler version of Roy himself.

Answer the following true or false questions:

Do both gentlemen shave their heads?

Do both have similarly round faces?

Do both of their ears curve the same way?

Are their noses amazingly similar?

So what's going on here? Is clever Roy actually both candidates? Could he have asked Michael Jackson for advice on how he might transform himself into a whiter shade of Roy?

As the saying goes, if it walks like a bird from the bayou and it talks like a bird from the bayou, it must be a bird from the bayou.

All we can say is, may the best man win, especially if the two candidates are different men.


Celebrity Social - Gossip and Scandal is Everywhere


Gossip and scandal are everywhere when it comes to stars and celebrities around the world. And no matter how much you deny that you don't pay attention to celebrity news, how often do you find yourself joining in a hot discussion at work or around the dinner table? Keeping your eye on the stars is one way to amuse yourself and keep smiling.

Not many people can resist a bit of gossip about the celebrities that make the news. Award ceremonies are a great way to see what everyone is wearing and how bad or good they look wearing it. Watching a popular starlet stumble her way to the podium wearing an unflattering dress can lead to weeks of gossip about what not to wear when the cameras are hot and ready. Magazines are filled with the latest fashion mistakes that the stars make when they venture out into public places.

Celebrity relationships continue to baffle most of us. What makes motion picture stars such as Brad Pitt leave one relationship for another? Celebrity gossip has followed Mr. Pitt as he baffles the media with his behavior. The scandal of celebrity relationships gone wrong is always at the forefront of the news, covering the pages of serious newspapers all the way to gossip magazines that line the shelves at the grocery store.

Stars range from movie starlets such as Meg Ryan to music icons such as Madonna. Society loves to follow their actions whether they are performing in front of a camera or on stage. And when these stars are caught at their worst, even more gossip hits that media.

Celebrity news and gossip can be found in magazines, on the radio, and on the television screen. Gossip is a great way to take a break from the more serious news that is found both locally and around the world. As a society we like to follow the actions of those people we see in the media light. After all, do you really want to miss out seeing the next outrageous outfit that Paris Hilton is going to wear?


To Think for Oneself


Let us examine the three purposes of writing: to inform, entertain, and enlighten. To me, the second one is bottom of the list, though it is instrumental in the achievement of the two others. Every great teacher knows this intimately and readily laces his teachings with relevant and interesting stories, and humor.

The first purpose, to inform, comes second in my mind, whereas the last, to enlighten, comes first. To explain my attitude, I think it appropriate to draw your attention to my book A REASON FOR LIVING, where both of these purposes are pursued.

Part of my book relays factual or theoretical information about things like human physiology, nutrition, and universal evolution. This information relates to the current perception of reality in scientific circles. I am just a vehicle for it. Now, for two reasons, my role as a writer who informs his readers about scientific facts and theories comes second in my mind to my role as a philosopher who strives to enlighten his readers.

My main reason is that I regard wisdom as paramount, whereas the knowledge of the material world (i.e., the constituents, structure, and workings thereof) is not equally important, however useful it is on a practical level. Conscience comes before science, which in itself is incapable of providing humans with a sense of what is good, right, or sacred – in a word, with moral principles. An example of science without conscience is the destruction of nature and the violation of human rights by rogue companies who are efficient in their use, or rather abuse, of their environment and their workers to satisfy their greed.

My other reason is that my role as a writer who informs his readers about scientific facts and theories is indeed that of a mere vehicle. It is very much secondary to the role of researcher, which drives the scientific enterprise thanks to advanced instrumentation plus skillful, scholarly, and clever observations and rationalizations.

By contrast, my role as a philosopher who strives to enlighten his readers is in the driver's seat, so to speak. Not only is it concerned with everything that makes life worth living and gives humans a sense of purpose, but also it does more than mirror the light of wisdom; it generates it by force of thinking on the basis of experience and study.

Truth to tell, my readers can likewise think for themselves. They themselves can be philosophers and create their own wisdom while discovering and evaluating mine. Therefore, the light shining through in my book is there to help my readers see a range of weighty matters on which they can meditate to form their own thoughtful opinions about them. And since they can do so, I venture to argue that they should.
