Haunted Houses, Dead Tenants and a Big Tummy Ache


World renown psychic and author Jane Doherty has found herself in a very prominent position on her new reality TV show called "Dead Tenants", which is hosted by The Learning Channel. I say it's a prominent position because of the phenomena that separates Jane's psychic abilities from those of other psychics.

Whenever there are ghosts around Jane, she has an amazing physical reaction to them and handling it is no small feat either. The reaction Jane has is that her stomach area actually enlarges by as much as six inches around within seconds. And, Jane tells us that it's extremely painful to her when this happens. If you watch Jane while this stomach expansion is happening, you're going to hear her moaning and see her wincing … and trust me, it's not dramatics … the woman's in definite pain.

With regards to her expanding tummy, Jane says, "It feels like a contraction when a woman is in labor, but it doesn't ever release me until the spirit leaves. Instead, the stomach expands as if I was nine months pregnant." Jane actually describes it as very intense muscle cramps, where her stomach is physically gripped by the ghost, and if you watch, the belly will actually lift up. Jane continues, "Often I can tell by the grip whether it is a female, male or child spirit. It first happened to me in 1990, when I investigated my first haunted house with a researcher."

The belly area is associated with the third charka located at the solar plexus, which is the area that dominates the gifts of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience and an awareness of astral entities. It's interesting that historically the belly area is associated with body's core of energy sometimes called the "Chi Point" or the "Hara", both of which translate literally to mean belly. It's also interesting that historically, psychics felt their gift came from their gut … called "reading with the pit of the stomach" … where today, most psychics describe their gift coming from their third eye charka, between the eyes and centered in the middle of the forehead. With Jane Doherty, it seems to make good sense that the physical phenomena of Jane Doherty's expanded stomach would be directly related to her psychic gift.

Jane's devout belief in the power of God comes through in all that she does because she feels strongly that her psychic abilities are a God-given talent. Using her psychic abilities allows Jane to bring comfort to people whose hearts are hurting, and hope to those who need it most. And, that's her personal goal on Dead Tenants whose families are in desperate need of help and knowledge to deal with their home's ghosts.

The Dead Tenants TV show follows the journeys of the Preternatural Research Society (PRS) - a team of paranormal investigators - through the attics, basements, living rooms and back yards of some of the most haunted houses in the country. Coming to the aid of families experiencing very unwanted ghosts and unexplainable activity in their homes, Jane Doherty and the PRS team do their best to assist the families. The Dead Tenants show weaves the historical, scientific and psychic into a rich tapestry to help the viewer better understand the hauntings.

"There was never a question of how I would use my gift," Jane says firmly. "I have taken every possible opportunity to help others." Jane Doherty is the real deal, on TV and in print. Her words are like the words of her book - so compelling, you won't be able to put it down.

Jane Doherty's book, Awakening the Mystic Gift: The Surprising Truth About What It Means to Be Psychic, chronicles Jane's own psychic awakening and what it truly means to be psychic. For those seeking more information on what it means to be psychic, this book is a very compelling read.

Jane Doherty is a gifted psychic and medium of international acclaim. Many refer to her as the "real deal" because of her accuracy and sincere caring nature. In fact, Hans Holzer, known best for his many books on ghosts and paranormal activities, has named Jane Doherty as "one of the top twenty psychics in the world." A born teacher, Jane feels part of her own purpose in life is to teach others to open to their own psychic abilities, and for this reason Jane has brought her psychic teachings to an online format through the website. Here Jane has established a book club for her readers to explore more about their own psychic abilities with her personally, and Jane will also teach her multi-leveled Psychic Development courses at the website.


How To Protect Your Papers With Film Laminating


Certainly, the concept behind film lamination is easily understood. It simply boils down to taking the extra steps that are necessary to preserve documents in order to increase their life expectancy as the years roll on by applying a thin, clear plastic covering. While many establishments exist that offer professional laminating services, there are those who prefer to buy the necessary tools that will allow them to apply this protective coating themselves, in order to save on the costs of contracting a professional laminator. In order to take on such a task, however, it's best to arm yourself with a few of the "tricks of the trade" that will ensure a smoother, easier process and a more attractive result.

The "Dos" of Film Laminating

1. If you're planning to do cold laminating , then it's important to remember that the curing time is about 24 hours. If the prints aren't allowed to sit flat for the proper amount of time before mounting, then you won't achieve maximum adhesion, and the result will be less-than-perfect prints.

2. If, on the other hand, the plan is to use thermal lamination, then be sure to leave a menu edge for prints with a heavy ink coverage.

3. Be sure to allow adequate time for the printed documents to dry before applying the lamination. No less than four hours should be given to this part of the process, in order to ensure optimum results.

4. Do your best to control the level of humidity in the area where the prints are being processed. If that's not possible, then take the time to use a hair dryer in order to remove any lingering moisture.

5. Although you may choose to apply a cold laminant, it's best to use some heat during the process. By ensuring that the top roller remains at 120 degrees Fahrenheit, the lamination will enjoy greater adhesion.

6. After practicing for a bit on some extra prints, make it a habit to rub down the printed documents with isopropyl alcohol before the lamination process begins. This can be accomplished by pouring a bit of the alcohol onto a soft cloth and gently wiping the print, re-wetting the cloth when necessary.

7. In order to acquire a higher level of quality for your finished prints, use low-melt laminating film and increase the temperature to about 210 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, you can either double or triple the speed, depending upon what provides a better result for the particular print and laminator that's being used.

A Few Laminating "Don'ts"

1. Don't make the mistake of using excessive heat or running the laminator at too slow a rate, or delamination will be the result.

2. Laminators should never be left idle when the temperature is on, or they'll develop hot spots which will cause bubbling in hotter areas and silvering in those that are cold.

3. Just because the ink doesn't feel wet doesn't mean that the print hasn't become overly moistened by too much humidity. Under those conditions, the print will actually absorb moisture, which should be eliminated before laminating.

4. Prints and laminating supplies ( ) should never go outdoors without having the extra protection of menu edging or edges that have been sealed with outdoor waterproof tape.

For those who are new to the print lamination process, the necessary supplies can be obtained through print retailers, and are also for sale through internet searches. The particular tools that may be necessary for such an enterprise include a lamination machine, cartridge, hot and cold adhesives and other miscellaneous items.

Understand that, for the novice, film laminating can sometimes be frustrating – and expensive – until the techniques are perfected and the desired results are achieved. In the meantime, exercise patience and realize that much of the process can call for a bit of experimentation as you go along.




When I was a nineteen-year-old high school student and budding poet – two years after my diving accident – many factors adversely affected my creativity. My trips in a special bus to school and back home, my courses, and my assignments, though I was spared a lot of writing and was mostly tested orally, all this was time-consuming. More often than not, my obligation to study took priority over my desire to compose poetry.

To tell the truth, I had plenty of free time. That I spent much of it uncreatively showed evidence of frivolousness, laziness, and cowardliness. I usually preferred to take my mind off things, or to daydream, rather than to express myself through poems. The satisfaction I could derive from achieving this expression seldom induced me to try. The deterring elements were the difficulty of trying and the uncertainty surrounding the outcome of my efforts.

A poem – assuming one is concerned about writing beautifully – is indeed no cinch. It requires a poet who is talented, skilled, and determined. My poetic ability was fickle; my grammar and style were faulty; my will was faint. I lacked the courage of my creative desire. This lack was not absolute. Now and then, when I felt compellingly inspired, I resisted my temptation to trifle – which amounted to taking the easy way out – and endeavored to compose a poem. I had to repeat this endeavor, over and over, to grow more capable and confident, less discouraged by the challenge at hand.

I am afraid young individuals similar to the young man I was then are not a rarity. The prospect of success turns them on; effort and the risk of failure turn them off. The contradiction is apparent, and the result predictable: Since effort and the risk of failure are essential for success, the avoidance of them precludes this success. Of course everyone knows this. The trouble is that many refuse largely to accept it. This is proof that knowledge is powerless in itself; it needs a strong will to be effective.

Young individuals, who know the rules of success, can be failures inasmuch as they fail to accept these rules. Wisdom includes this acceptance (the exclusion of which is thus foolish). It must be distinguished from knowledge. Wise people are also brave people who put their knowledge into practice and become successful for that reason. The obvious holds good in every way: Life without courage is like a bird without wings; it cannot take off.

Why is it hard to want both the end and the means? Precisely because the means are hard, not to mention the fact that they are hazardous, you might answer. If you are right, then why do some actually thrive on this hardness and hazardousness? The key to this mystery is their attitude: They regard these opposing elements not only as obstacles but also as opportunities for merit and excitement. Just as they were young once, spoon-fed and sheltered from the evils of the world, they eventually outgrew their attachment to easiness and developed a taste for challenge. In conclusion, what characterizes them is their maturity, by contrast with the infantilism of others.

Between these two extremes there is a mediocre compromise, partly mature, partly infantile. It consists in taking charge of one's life while taking the easy way out. Small principles, small realizations, far below one's potential for greatness, they are poor excuses for wisdom and success. Potential, that is the operative word. There can be greatness in apparent smallness and smallness in apparent greatness; the truth resides in the great or small actualization of one's potential, whatever it is.

How does one discover what it is? By making the effort to actualize it in the ever-renewed and multifaceted act of living. This entails that one push oneself hard, at the risk of going too far. Measure is an empty abstraction for anyone who has never exceeded it. Limits should be experienced, not invented. This experience demands a serious and courageous commitment to greatness. Steer clear of frivolousness, laziness, and cowardliness; do not fall prey to them as I did so many times. They are strong temptations that can assume the form of a cunning philosophy that is unique to losers. Beware of this snare. Life is a demanding character test; come death, you will have ample time to rest!

Nostalgic for the old days at the rehabilitation facility when I wrote anyhow about anything, I once conveniently believed in spontaneous writing as a guarantee of genuineness. Fortunately I was foolish yet not a complete fool. After some denial, which involved some nonsense in justification of my foolishness, I admitted sullenly that my sacrosanct pursuit of genuineness was in fact a vile indulgence in idiocy. There is nothing spontaneous about the intelligent conception and intelligible expression of one's true self, which is everything but simple. It is a tissue of desires, feelings, ideas, and memories, caught in a whirl of interactions between the mind and the world. Either one goes to great lengths to elucidate and formulate the truth about oneself, and one hits the bull's-eye, or one talks bullshit – please forgive my language.

Some people shine at off-the-cuff speeches, as though they were so brilliant they could avoid saying idiocies when forced to be spontaneous. Make no mistake; their brilliance is merely one side of the equation. They have spent years polishing their manner of thinking and speaking, while their knowledge waxed through learning. Their spontaneity is studied. It is a product of numerous rehearsals, like the performance of an actor. Nothing great ever comes easily to anyone, including those who are the most gifted among us. Superior luck is not human greatness, only a steppingstone toward it. The stone is given; the stepping is done by the sweat of one's brow and is made of a million steps, uphill. To work one's way up to greatness is comparable to conquering Mount Everest, the highest peak of the Himalayas. It is an outstanding achievement with a sense of pride to match.


Lance Armstrong Bracelets: Fashion Accessories for a Worthy Cause


Lance Armstrong bracelets, the yellow rubber wrist bands inscribed with the motto LiveStrong, are tangible parts of champion American cyclist Lance Armstrong's legacy. Diagnosed with testicular cancer on October 2, 1996, Armstrong battled with the disease and didn't let it get in the way of his will to wear the yellow jersey once again to compete in the Tour de France cycling tournament. In partnership with sports apparel firm Nike, he started selling his Lance Armstrong bracelets for a dollar apiece, with the profits going to the Lance Armstrong Foundation to fund cancer research.

It is not so surprising to find that the Lance Armstrong bracelets have become a cultural phenomenon. Aside from being very affordable, people feel they are contributing to a worthy cause by buying and wearing the yellow bracelets. Add this to the fact that the wrist band is not difficult to wear as a fashion accessory. It goes along well with almost any attire: from your regular jeans-and-shirt attire to preppy to sports outfits. School children and teenagers think it is hip to be seen wearing one, and it doesn't make a huge dent in their allowance to buy it. Professional athletes have been seen wearing them at sports events. Even corporate executives in power suits have taken to wearing these Lance Armstrong bracelets.

Made from rubber, it is similar to other cause-related bracelets that have emerged over the past years, such as those for breast cancer and diabetes. Many Americans collect these wrist bands, including the Lance Armstrong bracelets, because aside from being fashion-friendly and easy to wear, they have philanthropic and social significance.

Why yellow? This color is especially significant to Lance Armstrong. Aside from imparting feelings of warmth and optimism, yellow is the color of the jersey that the leading Tour de France cyclist is given to wear, and which he has worn to victory numerous times. The yellow Lance Armstrong bracelets are his standard bearers in his fight against cancer, and they bear witness to the things that have given his life new meaning.

Since ancient times, women and men have worn one form of jewelry or another as a way of expressing some sentiment, feeling or as a symbol. The Lance Armstrong 'Live Strong' bracelet is a modern version of an age old tradition; jewelry as a symbol of hope, courage and support of a worthy cause.


Clever Mayor Roy Nagen: Has Runoff Election With White Guy Who Looks Just Like Roy Himself


We wouldn't even hazard a guess at the odds against such a outcome, but the runoff election in New Orleans looks about as bizarre as anything you're likely to see even in the Mardi Gras.

Roy Nagen, the Mr. Malaprop of mayoral politics, who alienated white voters when he voiced the proud hope of making the city, in the wake of Katrina, "chocolate again," has gotten himself caught up in a runoff election with a white guy, Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu, who, at least to us, looks just like a paler version of Roy himself.

Answer the following true or false questions:

Do both gentlemen shave their heads?

Do both have similarly round faces?

Do both of their ears curve the same way?

Are their noses amazingly similar?

So what's going on here? Is clever Roy actually both candidates? Could he have asked Michael Jackson for advice on how he might transform himself into a whiter shade of Roy?

As the saying goes, if it walks like a bird from the bayou and it talks like a bird from the bayou, it must be a bird from the bayou.

All we can say is, may the best man win, especially if the two candidates are different men.


Celebrity Social - Gossip and Scandal is Everywhere


Gossip and scandal are everywhere when it comes to stars and celebrities around the world. And no matter how much you deny that you don't pay attention to celebrity news, how often do you find yourself joining in a hot discussion at work or around the dinner table? Keeping your eye on the stars is one way to amuse yourself and keep smiling.

Not many people can resist a bit of gossip about the celebrities that make the news. Award ceremonies are a great way to see what everyone is wearing and how bad or good they look wearing it. Watching a popular starlet stumble her way to the podium wearing an unflattering dress can lead to weeks of gossip about what not to wear when the cameras are hot and ready. Magazines are filled with the latest fashion mistakes that the stars make when they venture out into public places.

Celebrity relationships continue to baffle most of us. What makes motion picture stars such as Brad Pitt leave one relationship for another? Celebrity gossip has followed Mr. Pitt as he baffles the media with his behavior. The scandal of celebrity relationships gone wrong is always at the forefront of the news, covering the pages of serious newspapers all the way to gossip magazines that line the shelves at the grocery store.

Stars range from movie starlets such as Meg Ryan to music icons such as Madonna. Society loves to follow their actions whether they are performing in front of a camera or on stage. And when these stars are caught at their worst, even more gossip hits that media.

Celebrity news and gossip can be found in magazines, on the radio, and on the television screen. Gossip is a great way to take a break from the more serious news that is found both locally and around the world. As a society we like to follow the actions of those people we see in the media light. After all, do you really want to miss out seeing the next outrageous outfit that Paris Hilton is going to wear?


To Think for Oneself


Let us examine the three purposes of writing: to inform, entertain, and enlighten. To me, the second one is bottom of the list, though it is instrumental in the achievement of the two others. Every great teacher knows this intimately and readily laces his teachings with relevant and interesting stories, and humor.

The first purpose, to inform, comes second in my mind, whereas the last, to enlighten, comes first. To explain my attitude, I think it appropriate to draw your attention to my book A REASON FOR LIVING, where both of these purposes are pursued.

Part of my book relays factual or theoretical information about things like human physiology, nutrition, and universal evolution. This information relates to the current perception of reality in scientific circles. I am just a vehicle for it. Now, for two reasons, my role as a writer who informs his readers about scientific facts and theories comes second in my mind to my role as a philosopher who strives to enlighten his readers.

My main reason is that I regard wisdom as paramount, whereas the knowledge of the material world (i.e., the constituents, structure, and workings thereof) is not equally important, however useful it is on a practical level. Conscience comes before science, which in itself is incapable of providing humans with a sense of what is good, right, or sacred – in a word, with moral principles. An example of science without conscience is the destruction of nature and the violation of human rights by rogue companies who are efficient in their use, or rather abuse, of their environment and their workers to satisfy their greed.

My other reason is that my role as a writer who informs his readers about scientific facts and theories is indeed that of a mere vehicle. It is very much secondary to the role of researcher, which drives the scientific enterprise thanks to advanced instrumentation plus skillful, scholarly, and clever observations and rationalizations.

By contrast, my role as a philosopher who strives to enlighten his readers is in the driver's seat, so to speak. Not only is it concerned with everything that makes life worth living and gives humans a sense of purpose, but also it does more than mirror the light of wisdom; it generates it by force of thinking on the basis of experience and study.

Truth to tell, my readers can likewise think for themselves. They themselves can be philosophers and create their own wisdom while discovering and evaluating mine. Therefore, the light shining through in my book is there to help my readers see a range of weighty matters on which they can meditate to form their own thoughtful opinions about them. And since they can do so, I venture to argue that they should.


How to Photograph Wildlife


Tips For Photographing Wildlife
by Roberta Hochreiter

To get good shots of animals and birds, you will have to learn to be quick in setting up and framing your shots. Waiting until you get out in the wilderness to learn these tricks is not a good idea. What I found to be very helpful was practicing on my cats and on birds in my yard or local parks. You learn to anticipate their behavior and react fast to get the good shots. Here are some tips on how to get the best shots of animals and birds in the wild.

Practice taking shots of moving targets. Learning how to pan moving targets will allow you to take dramatic photographs with a sense of speed.

Keep your camera handy and set up for unexpected encounters. Make sure you have fully charged camera batteries and plenty of film or memory.

Before you go into an area, read up on what kinds of animals and birds are commonly found there. Learn all you can about these animals and birds. This will help you know where to look to find them and what kinds of behavior to expect.

Learn to walk and move quietly and practice freezing your position so that your presence is not startling or threatening to the animal.

Learn to be observant of everything around you using all your senses. With a little practice, you will gain the ability to be aware of small movements, unusual colors or sounds, even smells that can tip you off to the presence of an animal or bird even when they are well camouflaged. I cannot believe how many times I've watched people walk right by wildlife without noticing them. Hiking with an awareness of your surroundings enhances your experience immeasurably.

In the wild, telephoto lenses are basically a must. This brings you in a little closer without scaring the animals. The use of a tripod is not always mandatory, if you have enough light you will be able to shoot at a fast shutter speed to eliminate shake. Some telephoto lens have vibration reduction technology but are considerably more expensive.

When you photograph animals and birds, make sure the focus is sharpest on their eyes.

Shoot small animals from a lower angle.

The best times of the day for viewing and photographing wildlife are early in the mornings and just before dark. This is when wildlife is usually most active and the light is the most dramatic.

Try to keep the sun at your back so that the light falls directly on your subject.

Using all these tips will help you improve your nature photography. The very most important thing is practice, practice, practice and don't forget to enjoy yourself!

Roberta Hochreiter lives in the Pacific Northwest in Washington state and is an avid photographer, hiker and backpacker with 5 years experience.


Gone Fishing For Trivia


1. We all know that fish travel in schools, but do you know some other plural fishey names?
A. Clutch
B. Shoal
C. Draft
D. Wave
E. All of the above
F. None of the above
G. B and C

G. B and C
TBD: It should have been wave though, don't you think?

2. Can you name the phobia that means a fear of fish?
A. Ichthyophobia
B. Limnophobia
C. Entomophobia
D. Pantophobia

A. Ichthyophobia
TBD: If you have a fear of lakes you suffer from limnophobia, of insects you have entomophobia, and of everything its pantophobia.

3. How do fish hear?
A. They don't
B. Through sound vibrations reverberating through the bones of their skull
C. Through their gills
D. Through their fins

B. Through sound vibrations reverberating through the bones of their skull
TBD: Fish hear without the aid of external ears. Sound vibrations reverberate through the bones of the skull to an internal ear. Fish also possess unique sensory organs called lateral lines. These canals along the sides of the fish can sense vibrations and, in some species, weak electrical fields.

4. What do you call a baby fish?
A. A guppy
B. A fry
C. A minnow
D. A baby fish

B. A fry
TBD: We guess that's where the expression "small fry" came from!

5. How do Anarctic icefish survive in freezing water?
A. Special antifreeze chemicals in their blood
B. Extra layers of fat which earned them the nickname "Puffy Fish"
C. Constant high level of motion to keep blood circulating
D. There is no such fish

A. Special antifreeze chemicals in their blood
TBD: We would have thought this was a made up answer if we hadn't researched it ourselves!

6. Just how much hot water can fish take?
A. Pot boilers in Ecuador survive in hot springs approaching 200 degrees Fahrenheit

B. Desert pupfish found in hot springs of western North America live in temperatures higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit
C. Some fresh-water fish can take temperatures up to 80 degrees Fahrenheit without difficulty
D. Anything over 60 degrees Fahrenheit causes distress

B. Desert pupfish found in hot springs of western North America live in temperatures higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit
TBD: We know we couldn't live in those springs without cooking!

7. How high can a flying fish fly?
A. 6 feet
B. 36 feet
C. 60 feet
D. 360 feet

B. 36 feet
TBD: Their flight may consist of several glides, in which they repeatedly return to the surface of the water long enough to renew their propelling power. They rise to a maximum of about 36 feet into the air and glide as far as 200 yards.

8. Just how fast can a fish swim?
A. Never over 40 mph
B. Barely 50 mph
C. About 60 mph
D. Over 70 mph

D. Over 70 mph
TBD: The fastest-swimming fish are the billfish and the tunas. One billfish, the sailfish, can swim in bursts of speed over 70 mph.

9. Known as one of the fastest fish, tunas are also built for long-distance endurance. How far do tuna migrate?
A. 7700 miles
B. 770 miles
C. 77 miles
D. 7 miles

A. 7700 miles
TBD: Swimming as fast as 30 mph, they migrate as far as 7700 miles in only four months.

10. What are the biggest fish?
A. Whales
B. Whale sharks
C. Great white sharks
D. Leviathans

B. Whale sharks
TBD: Whale sharks can reach 40 feet in length. Yes, whales are bigger, but they are not fish. Fish are cold-blooded and breathe underwater using gills; whales, on the other hand, maintain a warm and constant body temperature.


Color Plays An Important Role In Design And Graphics


Color schemes are fun no matter what they are being used for. Color schemes come into play when decorating a room or painting a house. They are created for use in web pages, clothing, or arts and crafts. There is something joyous in looking at, planning, and working with colors and trying to make them fit, aesthetically, into a piece of work. Colors send emotional messages, and they illustrate traditions, trends, or themes. Some of the most interesting color schemes are those applied to clothing.

In the 1970s, for example, the trend was for neon-like colors. Pink and green were used together in for a spring fashion extravaganza, with these two solid colors used in tunics, shifts, skirts and pants. The two colors in combination provided a nearly psychedelic display that nearly always brought springtime back for anyone who wore them. Even if you look at these colors together today, you will get the same feeling of spring.

Needlepoint patterns contain complicated and careful color schemes. These works use hundreds of shades of yarn and thread, and the artistic designer of a needlepoint pattern makes use of the appropriate color palettes by combining and integrating shades and hues of yarn or thread to create fine lines, details, sharp angles and shadows, and even degrees of light that make for a nearly photographic image.

In the profession of interior decorating, color schemes are also complex and demanding. They require much attention and a lot of study to be effective. The interior designer must think about things like where the light coming through a window will strike a particular color and how big a space will look if one color or another dominates it. These factors enter into the decisions of where to use particular colors in a home's interior. The color wheel is available online at a number of web sites to help with color scheme decisions. There is also information online concerning the psychology of color and the impact that specific color combinations have on humans.

Color tools are also very useful in the area of web site design. Just like color schemes for offices and other interior design project, color schemes for web sites are very important to the overall success of the site. Color may even be more important online because most web sites are created to sell products or services, and designers want the site's visitors to feel positive about their offerings. Using the appropriate color scheme and considering psychological factors that are related to color can make a site more successful. Different demographic factors, such as age, educational level, financial status, ethnicity, and others can be impacted through the presentation and layout of a web site. These elements of a site rely on color schemes to help them do the work of selling the product or service to a particular audience.


U. S. Ends Oil Dependency; Turns B. S. Into Fuel


While America is experiencing a gasoline shortage, the nation's dependence on foreign oil is about to end.

A researcher at The Department of Energy, from which breakthrough ideas emanate on a regular basis, noticed that Americans, along with most people who ever lived, have a virtually unlimited and renewable supply of B. S. He wondered if it might be turned into fuel.

The hypothesis proved so promising that his work produced a marvelous result in as short a time as it took to record some B. S. from a wonderfully fertile colleague and wire it to a refinery. He calls the new potion Bio-Super.

"It's the most concentrated fuel in history," he tells us, "with an octane rating of 99.9. I figure we've got enough of a supply to meet our total energy needs for the foreseeable future. All we have to do is keep B. S.-ing the way we do, and we'll have all the Bio-Super we and our children need."

The product is ready for mass production. The technique calls for the collection of B. S. from all over the country by having the most irrepressible exponents of it talk into microphones. The B. S. is then broadcast to the closest refinery.

Bio-Super also has an advantage over other fuels in terms of pollution, because the process actually takes a lot of it out of the air.

Since the B. S. is so highly concentrated to begin with, the production of Bio-Super is quite a lot more efficient than the manufacture of biofuel from corn or woodchips. Just a hundred words of good old American B. S., particularly from people who like to hang out at bars after work and talk their heads off, can produce enough to fill up the gasoline tank on a Hummer.

The only negative aspect is the product's exceptional volatility. Once you pump it into your tank, you have to slam the gas cap shut instantly or it will all evaporate. Motorists are also advised only to remove the cap when the gauge is nearly on empty and to stand aside; otherwise, there is the risk of being knocked out with a force that scientists have calculated is equivalent to six airbags.


Mexico Solves Immigration Problem; Becomes Part Of China


In a startling announcement, President Vicente Fox of Mexico revealed that his nation has solved its immigration problem with the U. S. by requesting annexation as a province of China. As a result of its new status, a plentitude of domestic jobs will be available.

He made the surprise announcement, not during his recent visit to America, but immediately upon returning to Mexico.

Mexicans by the millions cheered the decision, throwing fiestas nationwide, with shouts of "Viva Mexico!" "Viva China!" And the air rang out with the triumphant neologism, "MexiChina, Ole!"

In his address to the Mexican nation, President Fox stated, " Today, I announce that our nation has become a proud province of China. As a result, we will have more than enough jobs to keep our hard-working people employed at home – and in much better jobs than they find as migrant workers in the U. S."

He went on to explain, "Now, it is time for American companies to invest in Mexico to the same extent that they invest in the rest of China. Finally, it is time for them to take advantage of all the cheap labor right next door. Finally, it is time for Mexico to have countless new factories and, in time, as big a trade imbalance with America as the rest of China. Finally, the label "Made in Mexico" will come to stand for everything from knives and forks to Nikes."

The Chinese were delighted by the Mexican offer, noting, "Acquiring Mexico as a province is even better than conquering Taiwan. There's more cheap labor there, and since it's right in America's backyard, we'll be able to save on shipping charges. So we'll be able to manufacture and deliver goods even more cost effectively than we've been able to with our own cheap labor."

As expected, U. S. companies immediately reacted to the possibility of outsourcing production to Mexico. As the CEO of an American company that was an early entrant into China stated, "It's absolutely wonderful to know there's so much cheap labor so close to home. I never realized it until Mexico became part of China. You can be sure production orders from us will soon be heading down Mexico way!"

President Fox, when pressed by a reporter about how he thinks Mexican workers can compare with Chinese workers in terms of their willingness to work long hours for low pay, he replied, "What do you think the entire immigration problem proves? We've got millions of workers who are so dedicated they risk their lives to earn a relative pittance north of the border."

The response from Washington was clearly negative. President Bush stated, "Mexico is in this hemisphere and has no business being part of China. In addition, we were well along the way to solving the border problem with fences and the National Guard."

A reporter questioned if the fence and the presence of the National Guard might have helped push Mexico toward China.

"Of course, not," Mr. Bush contended. "We all know the fence is not an impediment to Mexican-American relations. It would only keep out the people who aren't fast climbers, and that's just a small minority." Then, quoting poetry, as he often does, he continued, "And, just like Robert Frost said, 'Good fences make good neighbors.'"<

Democrats were quick to castigate the President and Republicans everywhere.

Senator Edward Kennedy exclaimed, "I can't tell you how upset I am about this. If we had had wiser guidance from the White House, we would have thought to advise our corporations a long time ago that they didn't have to export jobs clear to China, when they could find inexpensive labor right across the border in Mexico."

Senator Charles Schumer, always prescient, noted, "I knew that fence would not be good for Mexican-American relations. As I said during the Senatorial debates on immigration, the fence is really just like the pistol permit laws. Criminals don't line up for them. They just go get a gun. And Mexicans intent on becoming illegal immigrants will find a way to scamper over the wall and slip past the Guard."

Republican John McCain, straight from his clamorous reception at New York's New School, said, "I think the fact that Mexico has become a province of China is probably not a good thing for the long term and I'm not sure it's even good in the short-term. Of course, we wouldn't want Mexico to become part of America, either, which, given the level of illegal immigration we have, is actually kind of what is happening."

Dick Cheney was solidly against the annexation, stating, "This change in nationhood is unacceptable. And, once something like this gets going, there's no telling where it will stop. Next thing you know Venezuela, Peru, and Cuba will be flying the Chinese flag. We must prevail upon the Mexican government to recant. If the President asks, I'll fly down there and tell President Fox these things myself."

President Bush did not immediately comment on the Cheney offer, perhaps recalling the diplomatic disturbance the feisty Vice President created during his trip through Eastern European nations, when he overtly castigated Russian President Vladimir Putin for backsliding on democracy.

Meanwhile, illegal immigrants in the United States began to stream back to Mexico, so they could be among the first to line up for the many new factory jobs that will soon be available. In a last-ditch effort to mollify the Mexican government, President Bush seemed to indicate that he might cancel construction of America's walled answer to the immigration problem. Since the wall is no longer necessary, there was some chance that the modification would meet with Senate approval.

An American who was opposed to immigration cheered the change. "The Mexicans are leaving town as soon as they can get their things together. What do I care if Mexico had to become part of China to get them back into their own country?"

Another American, however, had a different take. "I think it's a shame we didn't think of exporting jobs to Mexico while it was still the land of tacos and enchiladas, not egg rolls, too."


Movies: What Would Life Be Like Without Them?


Have you ever thought about how your life would be if there were no movies? You probably haven't and that is because we all take them for granted but lets think about movies, both the good and the bad a little, shall we?

Movies are one of the most common forms of entertainment there is in our world. This is because they allow us to escape our world and enter into another world for a couple of hours and gives our immediate concerns a rest. They allow us to travel to worlds we will never be able to experience otherwise. They bring excitement and intensity of emotion that we would not have otherwise. These are all pretty good things right? And probably some of the main reasons that they are so popular.

On the flip side movies create unrealistic expectations and make unhealthy lifestyles and choices look appealing. This is especially true for those of us who have grown up in this age of technology. You see back when movies were simpler it was easier to separate them from reality. Now however the special effects and computer animations create such realism that it is confusing our kids. You've heard stories in the news about a child being killed or seriously hurt by another child because they were acting out something they saw in a movie. The other thing is that our children are being exposed to hyper intense scenes of violence that it is surprising that more Columbine's haven't happened really.

And what about Hollywood's portrayal of sex? Well lets just say that we all were really surprised the first time that we had sex. It wasn't nearly as smooth and well coordinated as we had seen every time on the silver screen was it. What if sex was portrayed realistically as something that can be extremely good and fulfilling given that the two people are committed to each other for life and are willing to work at it? What if the fact that there is a lot of responsibility that goes with the pleasure what dealt with? Well lots of people believe that we would have far less trouble with sex at its root. Teenage sex wouldn't be as rampant. Unwanted pregnancies would be a far smaller issue. STDs would not be spinning out of control, and on and on.

So are movies good or bad? Well the answer is both. Now the question remains, does one outweigh the other?


Spiritually enlightening notes on a violin


Violin is a bowed instrument that originated from Asia and later on got carried to other parts of the world. The sound of the instrument depends on the shape and wood used in its make. The instrument gets better with age and the older instruments are expensive in comparison to a newly constructed violin.

Violins are not only artistic in looks but also have the original class in their sound. The old generation has seen the transformation of the instrument in the way it is being accepted by the new generation. Violins are played not only in cultural ceremonies but also in rock bands. The instrument is played with Jazz instrument by the rock bands and one such famed band relying on the Violin is "The Corrs" that composes the touchy notes conveyed through their lead violinist of the group. Many videos depict the beauty of the instrument to get a classical look to their music albums. One such album is "Devil's trill" by Vanessa Mae that has the look and notes of the instrument in its video.

The instrument is made up of varieties of color, sizes and shapes. Depending upon the comfort level of a person playing the instrument, one can select a violin for himself. An Australian band called Bond s also known across the globe for using violin in all their songs. The sound of violin helps a person to get relaxed and energized depending upon the notes you play on it.

The structure of the instrument consists mostly of European wood and is available in varying sizes depending upon the need of the musician. You can get some of the best violins through the site Stringworks. You can also get informed about the make of the different types of violin and to get a violin that produces rich sound you can get one from the Artist collection. The website not only sells the instrument but also helps music lover to hire the instrument to try it out. The website also provides with forums to answers queries of the buyers and has a discussion forum to discuss on the music and other violin related topics.


Romantic Movies That'll Make You Laugh


Romance is serious business. Or is it?

Which do you think your husband would choose if put to the test:

a.) Watch the beautiful tearjerker movie, The Notebook
b.) Do anything that doesn't involve watching The Notebook

My answer is easy. My husband would opt for a root canal rather than sitting through a movie like The Notebook or Terms of Endearment. Now don't get me wrong. That doesn't mean he's not romantic. The man loves deeper than I could describe. He's simply not a fan of traditional 'romance movies'.

Our date nights usually involve Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, Owen Wilson, or Jim Carrey. Those men don't know this, but they're a huge part of what makes our marriage such a joy. The fact that our date nights consist of a fun movie instead of a forced moment means that my husband is happy and relaxed – two very good things for romance.

Are you looking for a lighthearted fun romantic movie that both you and your husband will enjoy? Here are some of our favorites.

The Princess Bride (1987)
"Is this a kissing book?" The Princess Bride is the story of a woman who is being forced to marry a cold, evil prince, while her true love tries to stop the wedding.

I don't know how many times I tried to get my husband to watch this movie until finally I just put the movie in, clicked 'play', and hid the remote. It's now one of his favorite movies. He likes it because of the comedy and the fighting. I love it because it's just a joy to watch.

Groundhog Day (1993)
After reluctantly going to cover Punksatawney Phil for Groundhog Day, a weatherman gets stuck living the same day repeatedly.

This is one of my husband's all-time favorite movies. Plus, if your husband is a fan of Caddyshack, he'll appreciate Bill Murray battling a rodent once again.

The Wedding Singer (1998)
Robbie, the wedding singer and Julia, the waitress are both engaged to be married but to the wrong people.

Any man who remembers the 80s will thoroughly enjoy this. And, every woman will be teary-eyed when Robbie sings "Grow Old with You" at the end.

Love Actually (2003)
This movie portrays eight stories of love. It shows romantic love, as well as love of a father for his son, love between siblings, and love of friendship. It's a beautiful story that shows that Love Actually is All Around. It's funny on so many levels, but also deeply touching.

Romance doesn't need to be serious. It can be fun! Just enjoy each other. Now go grab a funny movie, snuggle up with your hubby and enjoy.


The Love Guru


Forget animated characters, Mike Myers is back in his first original role since Austin Powers and he doesn't disappoint. The Love Guru is a thinly veiled homage to Deepak Chopra, focusing on the travails of one guru who has to break a curse, reunite a couple and get a hockey team to the Stanley Cup. That's no small order, but you can expect hilarious hi-jinks to ensue.

Mike Myers doesn't miss a step in this comedy that centers around the star player of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Darren Roanoake, played to perfection by Romany Malco. Roanoke's wife is lured away by the star player of the LA Kings, Jacques Grand (Justin Timberlake) and it's up to the Love Guru to restore domestic harmony to get Malco back on his game.

With a cast that includes Jessica Alba and Ben Kingsley, it's hard to go wrong. Myers penned the original story with Graham Gordy and co-produces with Michael deLuca. It's been a tough road for Myers since the success of Austin Powers, and although he's turned out terrific performances in animated flicks, this marks his return to playing a human, something audiences have been waiting for with baited breath.

The premise behind the Love Guru Movie is not necessarily new, meshing the classic fish out water tale with a boy meets girl scenario, but Myers makes it work. His character, Pitka, is abandoned as a boy outside an ashram in India and is trained in the way of the guru. Coming to America, he finds fame as a self-help guru that caters to the stars.

Known for his unorthodox techniques, Pitka is hired on by the owner of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Jane Bullard (Alba). The team has been a victim of the Bullard Curse for forty years and it appears as though it has struck again in the form of disharmony in the marriage between Malco and his estranged wife. Timberlake is perfection in his role as the golden boy of the LA Kings who woos away said wife.

Given Myers love of Chopra and hockey, this is certainly a project made in heaven for the 45 year old star. Known for mixing life and art, Myers hits his stride in this movie, after disappointing audiences in his turn as the Cat and the Hat. He is definitely in his element in this zany comedy that features some of today's hottest rising stars. It's a smart career move for Myers and one that audiences will undoubtedly embrace, so long as he keeps himself in check.

The Love Guru is set to premier on June 20th in the United States. Expect a big roll out and a lot of coverage as Hollywood makes book on whether Myers can bring in the audiences. Given the popularity of the Shrek movies and Myers in general, most movie goers should be able to forgive Myers for his few missteps and thoroughly enjoy this fun and lighthearted comedy.


About Tattoo


More recently however there has been a revival in anchor tattoos and there are many new designs that are full of brilliant colors and new design motifs for anchor tattoos. There has been a revival in more traditional tattoos.

As always history, symbolism and meaning provide an interesting overlap of cultures and times. If you are thinking about getting an anchor tattoo it helps to know the background on them and do some research to find out the different meaning and symbolism of anchor tattoos. Some common designs in ankle tattoos are a tribal symbol, a floral arrangement or an initial. An ankle tattoo can be small enough that it isn't noticeable unless the person is very close. Many professional women choose this type of tattoo because it isn't overbearing and at the same time it allows them to carry something personal on their bodies always.

Once you have decided on a design and coloring for your ankle tattoos you'll want to visit a reputable establishment that does tattoos. Looking through the yellow pages is one route but if you know anyone who has a tattoo you should ask them about their experience. Quite often they'll be happy to share with you and they may recommend a place for you to visit. After deciding on a tattoo parlor you'll want to discuss with the artist your concept. If you come there without a design in mind they will be able to show you a range of images that you can choose from. Most people prefer a smaller design for ankle tattoos and if the artist feels that yours is too large, they will work with you to bring it down to a scale that is more appropriate.

Getting a tattoo involves piercing the skin, and so there is going to be some pain involved, no matter how small the tattoo and no matter where it is on your body. The amount and type of pain experienced is highly variable depending on each individual's tolerance to and acceptance of pain. While tattooing, the needles puncture the skin at a very fast rate and at a variable depth. The outline is usually the most painful work, because the needles are being used to create a nice solid black line that will define the tattoo, and so it is inserted deeply and carefully to ensure complete and effective coverage. The shading is usually not as painful, but this also depends upon the depth of penetration and the desired effect

The pain you feel is generally as a slight burning or hot scratching sensation. Generally, the tattoo is more painful if applied to areas of the body where there is less muscle and fatty tissue covering bone, like wrists, ankles, chests, and other normally sensitive body areas. Upper arms are usually the least painful, while the ankles and sternum can be quite sensitive.

The tattoo pain is certainly not unbearable, here are some tips for coping with and minimizing the pain:
Find a reputable tattooist that you feel comfortable with to get the tattoo work done, the confidence you get from a tattooist can minimize your pain to the highest. Don't show up drunk or on drugs.
Go in with some determination and accept the fact that a few hours of discomfort without giving the tattooist a hard time will help ensure that you get a first-rate tattoo. If you feel you can't take the pain anymore, tell your tattooist. Take a short break, or come back in a few days. Tattoos don't have to be applied all in one sitting. Break up your session if needed. Listen to music or let your imagination go wild during the procedure, a certain degree of distraction set by your self will help you put less concentration on the pain.


Online DVD Movie Clubs Where Entertainment And Convenience Come Together


popular choice among families and individuals that are searching for movie rentals with the online services and convenience! Not only do they offer convenient special features, but also their value and additional benefits are far more valuable over renting at your local movie store!

For many of you that still rent at local video stores, it may be a little transition for you to join a DVD Club, and it will take a bit of getting used to having your movie and games arrive via your mail box several days later after your initial order. However, once your movies and game choices arrive, there will be an excitement that will come over you because most, if not all, people love to receive packages in their mail.

It's fun, and all your title choices and top releases you picked online will be ready to watch and enjoy when they arrive at your door. The best thing about being part of a movie rental club is that you don't have to worry about sending them back right away, and you'll never experience late fees again!

I know it's spring, and soon it will be summer, but winter is never too far away, and when the downpour of rain or the blizzards of snow arrive, and it becomes really cold and dark out, you will truly be relieved knowing you don't have to jump in a cold car, and drive all the way to your video store to return your videos, especially the ones you haven't finished watching yet.

What Are The Benefits Of Renting Movies and Video Games Online?

For many years we had only one choice, and that was to rent from the local Blockbuster, or the independent store that smelled like mothballs and old attics. If you didn't live close to the bigger rental stores, you were limited to what they had available when you finally arrived

With unlimited rentals online available through your choice of club store, you can easily have access to thousands of releases, downloads, and DVD reviews that will help you decide on whether the movie you want to rent is going to be the one you really desire to watch. Nothing is more annoying than getting a movie or game home to find out it was truly a complete flop!

There are many times your movie club will offer you periodic club offers and specials, and how often do you get that from your local rental store? If they happen to offer you any deal, it's because they know they're about to lose you to the online competitors.

When you do the actual comparison of online rental clubs versus your local video outlets, the smart choice is taking advantage of the online rental services the movie entertainment stores provide. Online renting is growing dramatically, and more people are experiencing the value and the overall convenience they offer.

You can still support your local movie store for quick last minute movie decisions, but when it comes to getting exactly what you want in title selections, and the fact that you don't have to ever worry about sending them back late with a penalty, those are features that are going to please many video enthusiasts for many years to come!


Getty Museum Decides To Donate Its Building To Italy


The J. Paul Getty Trust has agreed to return "significant objects" to Italy from its collection of Etruscan and Roman art, including "several masterpieces." It appears that many objects in the museum were looted from Italy and made their way to the museum though illicit dealers.

To facilitate a settlement with Italy over its claims to antiquities in the Getty Museum, the trust also agreed to donate its building to Italy.

In exchange for the antiquities and the building, Italy will "provide loans of objects of comparable visual beauty and historical importance."

If the trustees of The Getty give their nod of approval to the agreement, they will immediately begin searching for a place to display them.

Italy has also been asking other American museums to return contested objects. The Metropolitan Museum in New York recently agreed to return objects, but managed to exclude its building from the fray. Italy is also negotiating with the Princeton University Art Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

Maurizio Fiorilli, who is a lawyer for the Italian government, maintained that all the talks were going along with "great openness,." and went on to say, "We are especially pleased when the museum agrees to include its building. In this way, Italy is assured of a increasingly splendid architectural heritage."


Big Brother 7 - Grace is Evicted


Grace Adams-Short became the fourth housemate evicted from Big Brother 7 in yet another no-shock result on Friday night. Grace polled 87.9% of votes in a head-to-head with Nikki Grahame, who survived eviction for two consecutive weeks.

It was such a no-contest that host Davina McCall didn't even bother with her usual customary pause and instead immediately announced that Grace was evicted.

Both Grace and Nikki were put up for eviction by newcomer Suzie Verrico as the model was the only contestant able to nominate during week four. Grace had take offence to being nominated by Suzie and threw a glass of water over her before she left the house.

With one final hug for Mikey, Grace left the house to a chorus of boos from the eviction night crowd but took it on the chin, laughing and even encouraging the pantomime-esque booing.

When later asked why she performed such a childish act she replied: "Sorry guys, I just couldn't help myself. She was just sat there like Lady Muck".

Grace had been favourite to leave all week and had been odds-on well before her nomination was confirmed. One of the reasons she was trading so low was due to the Big Brother twist that only Suzie would be eligible to nominate and she had made her dislike of Grace known publicly before she entered the house.

Grace was as short as 1/2 on Friday 9 June following the chants of "Get Grace Out!" heard clearly during Sam's eviction, although she had risen to as large as 5/6 by the morning of Monday 11. <

Big Brother even gave Grace a chance to earn immunity from nominations when a task was set early in the week. The housemates had to stand still on a podium for as long as possible, with a "mystery prize" awaiting the last person standing. During the task, Grace's price had reached 2/1 to be evicted fourth as she appeared determined to see the task through.

After nine hours, Glyn and Mikey gave up, leaving Lisa and Grace to draw straws to determine the winner as boredom set in. Lisa drew the longest straw and was rewarded with a prize of being immune from nominations. Grace's failure to win the immunity saw her price plummet to 1/2 even though nominations were yet to be announced.

When the nominations were announced on Tuesday 13 June, Grace was a short as 1.05 on the betting exchanges, then 1.03 and even as low as 1.02 by Wednesday in what appeared to be a certain eviction. Nikki was available at 33/1 and even 50/1 by comparison.

The bookmakers were also not keen on opening a "How much percentage of the vote will Grace receive" market as at least 85% also looked likely and could even beat the record 86% two-way vote record held by Stuart from Big Brother II and Vanessa from Big Brother V.


The Ins And Outs Of Julio Iglesias' Relationships


Julio Iglesias has a magnetic personality, is unconventional, and a bit unpredictable. He loves to flirt and is likely to have sudden romantic relationships that do not always last. He also likes variety and always is seeking new experiences with people. This astrological configuration is often associated with a marriage swindler!

Feelings of love love are easily aroused in Julio, and his romantic relationships begin with a sudden electric attraction, but they often end in the same fashion. Julio Iglesias craves emotional excitement and needs to feel spontaneous and free, so he may avoid making firm personal commitments. Unusual or nontraditional forms of love and relationships appeal to him, and unique, creative or unstable people attract him.

Iglesias is likely to have very strange experiences in love relationships, he fantasizes a lot about love and seems to admire the unattainable. Strongly attracted to the spiritual dimensions of life, Julio may also pursue the study of mystical and occult subjects.

Julio Iglesias responds strongly to the emotional tone and atmosphere around him. His fluctuating and unpredictable moods make him often appear irrational to others because he cannot always explain the reason or source of his feelings. Living with Julio Iglesias means accepting his ups and downs and appreciating his need for times of withdrawal. Iglesias can be a fanatic in love relationships, possessive, and disappointed for not fulfilling his intense needs from his relationships. <

Restless and something of a wanderer himself, Iglesias has a craving for things which are far away and foreign or for things he has never experienced before. He completely immerses himself in the feelings and tastes of a new place, and has the capacity to understand and identify with many different types of people or cultures.

Promoting the arts of beauty and or entertainment make Julio Iglesias very happy. Julio wants to contribute something positive and loving to the world at large and to be recognized for his beauty, artistic gifts, or loving generosity. He is creative and ingenious and will put deep, feeling energy into his creations.

In general, people are drawn to Iglesias because of his affable, social and appealing disposition, and he is likely to have many pleasant and friendly relationships. Julio Iglesias also has strong artistic inclinations and may consider a creative field as a profession or hobby. His interests may lead Julio Iglesias to unusual or specialized artistic fields and he has the ability to successfully advertise or promote his projects. Julio could also do well in journalism and in writing sexual literature.


Flowers Can Make Your Parties Better Than Paris Hilton's


You don't have to famous party girl Paris Hilton or have her money to make your parties a memorable event. Simple and creative use of flowers will keep your guests talking about your party and looking forward to the next one for weeks to come.

Flowers can be an integral part of the decorations and help set the mood for your party –from fun and frisky to elegant and sophisticated. And, you don't have to be a party planning expert to use flowers effectively; all you have to do is enlist the help of your favorite professional florist who will be able to help you create the look and feel you want with flowers in the right colors and styles. Your florist can even help you use flowers in some very surprising and unique ways no matter what type of party you're throwing.

Backyard Barbecue
Backyard barbecues are friendly, relaxed events with an informal setting and comfortable clothing. Of course, they're also held during the summer when it's hot! You'll want to ask your florist which flowers will last the best throughout the event and stay looking fresh for hours. Some suggestions are daisies, marigolds, lilies, asters, and sunflowers.

For simple, fun centerpieces, try placing big bunches of daisies in canning jars. They'll look great in the center of the traditional checkered tablecloth. Or, you could have your florist use bottles or baskets as containers for floral arrangements. For and even prettier table, tie raffia bows around your napkins and silverware and slip a flower through the bow.

Patio or Garden Party
Your patio or garden party might be a sophisticated affair, or it could be informal, but since it's an outdoor party, you'll want to focus on the beauty of the surroundings. Flowers can help you enhance that beauty. Try using clay pots filled with flowering plants or green plants strung with twinkling white lights. Or, fill clay pots with topiary designs. Set your tables with small vases containing several different types of flowers or crystal bowls with low arrangements surrounded by scattered petals. Place a flower on the napkin of each table setting.

Mexican Fiesta
A spicy Mexican Fiesta needs bright, feisty flowers. The bolder the colors the better! Gerbera daisies are an excellent choice since they're a casual flower available in a wide variety of bright colors. Try placing them in Mexican "bubble" glass or painted pottery. You can even float a few blossoms in your Sangria bowl or pierce small blossoms with a toothpick to decorate your Margaritas. For a festive floral arrangement, take empty piñatas with openings cut into the top to your florist. Ask them to create flower arrangements using the piñatas as containers. Hang the finished arrangements around your party space.

These are just a few ideas you can use to make your parties the talk of the neighborhood. Your florist can help you find creative ways to use flowers for any party theme or setting you can think of. Who knows, with the right mix of fun and flowers, you might start getting calls from Hollywood A-listers like Paris Hilton begging to be invited to your events!


Music Lovers Rejoice


The music lovers can enjoy digital music in iTunes, which is developed by Apple Computer. Actually, iTunes is a digital media player, which is used to play digital music and video files. iTunes has an advantage to connect to the iTunes Music Store (ITMS). This music store helps the buyers or the music lovers to buy digital music and movie files which can be played in iTunes. It is easy to operate and it is compact. It has some interesting features like obtaining, organizing and playing music. It has easily download facility.

At first iTunes had a brushed interface made of metal. But now it has a new look with thinner interface. With the help of iTunes, the music lovers can add their favorite music albums and songs into the play lists or they can edit the file information also. The users can copy the music files into the digital audio player. They can download their favorite songs and transfer the songs to CD or DVD. In addition to this the users can play a visualizer to appear with some graphics effect, while the music is playing. The song can be encoded into number of audio formats.

For instance, iTunes songs can be encoded to MP3, WAV, MPEG-4, AAC and more. Some times they can be downloaded from computers or iPods. The user buys some of his/her favorite songs from iTunes music store. Actually they are copy protected with Apple's fair play digital rights management system. Hence, the songs can be played only in the iTunes or IPODS. But, later with the great development in software iTunes music can be played anywhere or the music can be shared with the help of "Hymn" that decrypts purchased music.

It was quite interesting to listen to the music on first release of iTunes. It was same as sound jam Mp. It has a CD burning and makeover of the interface facility. Slowly it developed with LCD display which displays the song name and the playback singer's name, the power to collect the play list and add it in its folder, with the option to skip songs, multiple speaker facility. Above all, it is portable and compact. iTunes is a great boon to the music lovers. The music store is an add advantage, yet it can work well. Then iTunes can arrange the entire music list in a neat folder.

[...] Is The Coolest Email In The World


Ask Darin Myman about an email that should never have been sent, and he likely will tell you about a friend who was caught cheating on his wife when she examined the contents of his sent email. Of course Darin himself, like almost everyone who uses email regularly, must have made his own email mistakes - perhaps a wrong attachment, a wrong email address (autofill is a convenience, but you really have to pay attention!), unintentional use of 'reply all', or indiscreet contents that might be regretted only nanoseconds after clicking the 'send' button. But even though his mistakes may not have experienced the same degree of consequences as his red-handed friend's, they were enough to inspire Darin to do something about the problem, and that is how he came up with the idea for BigString.

BigString Corporation ( now offers BigString 3.0, a web-based email service that gives the user control over sent mail - even once the mail is delivered to the recipient. webmail service is the only service that offers this. This type of feature is already familiar to users of certain email services, such as AOL mail. In AOL, however - as in any other mail system - this can only be done within the AOL network (i.e. if the recipient is also using an AOL address) and only if the email is not opened. However, the idea that you could reach out to a different server and snatch back your errant emails at any time, from any place, is a function that was not available until now.

The name 'BigString' deliberately evokes an image of a long string, attached to your sent emails, that you can pull on to yank back an email that you should never have sent. Of course this is a transparent process - composing and sending an email is just like doing so in, say, Yahoo Mail or Gmail, except that the sender can also choose different security options. Also like its well-known competitors, BigString 3.0 includes traditional email features, such as: Sticky Notes, Automatic Message Highlighting, Calendar, Advanced Message Sorting and Advanced Spam and Virus Filtering. Under the covers, though, it's actually more like sending out the end of the string, while you keep the email contents, retaining the ability to cut the string and remove access to any secure material from the outside world.

BigString has clearly given some thought to the various ways that this technology might be used. One option is to have an email 'self-destruct' (along with your choice of visual effects, such as a little bonfire) after a certain amount of time, or after having been read a certain number of times. Or, you can specify that the email is non-forwardable, non-printable, or non-savable. This can help ensure that the embarrassing video you sent to a friend doesn't end up posted on YouTube. You can make he email trackable, so you know if and when it been opened and forwarded. And most intriguing of all, you can edit mail after it has been sent, or substitute one attachment for another. This feature is especially useful for emails that have time-sensitive price quotes, business offers or dated legal material.

Free video email is another offering on's long list of great free features. offers all of its users a free video email forum where people can send out audio/visual greetings and messages to anyone and any webmail service throughout the world. This is a fun feature that is also hard to come by for free.

Secure email is a natural feature for BigString to offer. "Our customers, both consumer and businesses alike, have told us that they want even greater email security and control for their sensitive correspondence," says Darin. "With our Three Layer Secure email, we are enabling the sender to have that additional control and security. Now users can freely communicate via email with their lawyers, accountants, stockbrokers or anyone they want to send sensitive, personal or proprietary information without the worry that it will be seen or forwarded to anyone but the intended recipient. Their confidential emails will stay confidential."

BigString, like many webmail services, provides its users with a free email account and a free email address, including a generous 4 Gb of storage . It also provides the ability to send free embedded video emails up to 10 minutes in length, a feature not available with most other free email services. In addition, there are certain premium services targeted at small business and more demanding users. For a low monthly fee, BigString offers users the ability to increase their Video Email capabilities and storage capacity. Small businesses can set up their own email system (10 email accounts and up) using the BigString email service, which is POP3 compatible to allow its use with email clients such as Outlook. Premium customers can also add video email marketing tools.

Darin's inspiration to protect himself from indiscretions (like the one that tripped up his friend with the marital infidelity problem) has yielded a product that will be useful to anyone who values privacy, security, and freedom from one more of modern life's worries.


Celebrity Sedu Hair Styles - From Paris Hilton Sedu Hairstyles To Emma Watson Sedu Hairstyles


Celebrity sedu hairstyles are everywhere and you only need to open up a magazine to see pictures of sedu hairstyles but do you really know how the celebrities are achieving these great looks?

From Paris Hilton sedu hairstyles to Emma Watson sedu hairstyles, all the famous celebrities are now sporting this seasons hottest looks and they are getting them thanks to the revolutionary new sedu hair straightening iron and of course their own personal stylists. Of course for the ordinary person you can achieve your very own celebrity sedu hairstyles from the comfort of your own home just by following some very simple tips and guidelines.

Achieving Celebrity Sedu Hairstyles

If you want to successful achieve Paris Hilton sedu hairstyles or even Emma Watson sedu hairstyles then the first thing you will need to do is purchase a sedu hair straightening iron. These are not the same as your basic hair iron and will cost you a little more, but let's face it, for celebrity sedu hairstyles they really are worth it and so much easier to use than standard models.

The next thing you will need to do is learn a few of the celebrity sedu hairstyles secrets and these include washing and drying your hair before using your hair straightener and applying styling tonic from root to ends. You will also need to style your hair in sections beginning with the bottom section and working your way to the top. This not only ensures the perfect celebrity sedu hairstyles but also gives a longer lasting hold.

To finish your look whether its Paris Hilton sedu hairstyles or Emma Watson sedu hairstyles you will need to add a small amount of finishing wax to your hair. This should be smoothed along the outside of your hair and only a very small amount is needed to finish your look.

So there you have it, the way to celebrity sedu hairstyles without having to pay huge stylist fees.
